The College of Engineers of Chile awarded its "2019 Management Award" to the director of NIC Chile and academic of the Department of Computer Science (DCC) of the University of Chile, Professor Patricio Poblete.
In a ceremony held on July 11th, at the headquarters of the College, founded in 1958, and in the presence of authorities, academics from the University of Chile, members of the professional team of NIC Chile, family and friends of the honoree, including the president of the College of Engineers of Chile, Arturo Gana de Landa, who recognized the visionary leadership of Patricio Poblete in the registration of domain names on the Internet. Landa highlighted that Professor Poblete has accomplished the "Management of .CL with high standards and achievements in terms of procedures, technological updates and cooperation with the growth and stability of the Internet".
The director also expressed that this award "not only recognizes the professional career of the outstanding engineer, but also the qualities that make him a unique human being who has put his knowledge at the service of academia, university students and with the goal of making Chile a better country", alluding to his career in university teaching and his experience and achievements as a director for 14 years of the School of Engineering and Sciences of the FCFM.
Upon receiving the Management Award 2019, Professor Poblete expressed his gratitude for this distinction, extending recognition to all the work team that makes operations possible for NIC Chile – the university center in charge of the registration of names .CL. He stated, "All of them contribute daily with their efforts, experience, creativity and skills, providing users and the Chilean and global Internet community with excellent service affordable for all.”

Likewise, he thanked "the different authorities of the University of Chile, its Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics (FCFM), and the Department of Computer Science, who over the years have supported and allowed us to develop this great project that is NIC Chile".
The academic referred to his professional career, highlighting the milestones that led to the creation of NIC Chile: "We assumed in 1987 the responsibility of taking charge of the registration of domain names .CL, with “uchile.CL” being the first domain name registered. We have been carrying out this task since then in an uninterrupted manner and that function of administering the .CL is what defines NIC Chile, " he said.
He added that today NIC Chile is recognized as a high quality service with international prestige. In this context, he stressed that since the beginning they recognized "the importance of being present and being active participants in the coordination processes of the global Internet community, especially in the constitution of organizations such as ICANN and LACTLD, which led to our recognition as high profile leaders in our continent and worldwide, thus shaping what NIC Chile has become today, a key piece in the Internet infrastructure in the country."
In recent years, Professor Poblete has also been acknowledged for his contributions to the teaching of engineering in Chile, obtaining in 2015 the "Raúl Devés Jullian" award from the Institute of Engineers of Chile and the "SODECHI Award" from the Chilean Society of Engineering Education. Also noteworthy is the recognition obtained for his extensive career in the global Internet community, receiving the ICANN Ethos Multistakeholder 2017 award from the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.
NIC Chile
Santiago, July 12, 2019.
Acerca de NIC Chile
NIC Chile, centro perteneciente a la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas de la Universidad de Chile, es el encargado de la administración del Registro de Nombres de Dominio .CL, que identifica a Chile en la red Internet. Desde este rol, es responsable frente a la comunidad local y global de su funcionamiento de manera segura y eficiente, para permitir que personas, empresas e instituciones construyan su identidad en Internet, bajo .CL.
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