The Summer School on proof assistants for Coq and certified programming (Coq Andes Summer School 2020) takes place in Cajón del Maipo, Santiago from January 6th to 10th. The school is geared towards undergraduate and graduate students that addresses the methodology for correct software construction through rigorous specifications and mechanized verification.
The School is organized thanks to collaborative projects of CONICYT Redes, Inria Chile and Equipe Associée Inria Research Center and has the support of the European ERC project and NIC Chile, among other institutions.
NIC Chile
Santiago, January 6, 2020.
About NIC Chile
NIC Chile, a center of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the University of Chile, is in charge of administering the domain name registry of .CL, that identifies Chile in the Internet. In this role, it is responsible before the local and global Internet community for its secure and efficient operation, to allow persons, enterprises and institutions to build their identity on the Internet, under.CL.
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