The 2023 edition of this initiative brings girls and boys closer to programming and computing through games. It takes place during the months of November and December in Chile with an emphasis on the inclusion of learning about Artificial Intelligence – a campaign that has existed since 2015, thanks to the collaboration of NIC Chile and various public and private institutions.
Driven globally by Code.org and with the local efforts by Kodea Foundation, this edition is organized as a communicational campaign aimed at school communities and five in-person events with communities of older adults, special schools for students with disabilities and activities with the Teletón comprehensive rehabilitation institution.
La Hour of Code's activities are free and available for use, and you may access them by visiting the games and tutorials available at https://horadelcodigo.cl/tutoriales/
NIC Chile
Santiago, November 9, 2023.
About NIC Chile
NIC Chile, a center of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the University of Chile, is in charge of administering the domain name registry of .CL, that identifies Chile in the Internet. In this role, it is responsible before the local and global Internet community for its secure and efficient operation, to allow persons, enterprises and institutions to build their identity on the Internet, under.CL.
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