From August 19th to 29th, The Aura campus of the University of La Serena will host a new edition of the interdisciplinary training school for the analysis of large amounts of data LSSDS'2024.
After a very competitive call, 32 university students (16 from the USA, 13 from Chile, 1 from Argentina, 1 from Peru and 1 from Costa Rica) will participate in this agenda of workshops and conferences given by international researchers from the Rubin Observatory, the European Southern Observatory (ESO), Harvard University and the California Institute of Technology together with academics from the universities of Chile and La Serena.

Since 2013, La Serena School for Data Science has contributed to the training of university students from Chile, the United States, and Latin American countries in the use of mathematical and computational tools for the analysis of big data. This has been possible thanks to the support provided by various organizations, among which the National Science Foundation (USA), the National Agency for Research and Development, the National University Network, and the University of Chile through NIC Chile and the Center for Mathematical Modeling stand out.
NIC Chile
Santiago, August 19, 2024.
About NIC Chile
NIC Chile, a center of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the University of Chile, is in charge of administering the domain name registry of .CL, that identifies Chile in the Internet. In this role, it is responsible before the local and global Internet community for its secure and efficient operation, to allow persons, enterprises and institutions to build their identity on the Internet, under.CL.
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